Friday, July 19, 2013

Five On Friday (7.19.13)

Holy moly! What a week! Not going to lie. The only blog post that happened this week was scheduled weeks ago. I'm here to be an honest blogger, not an I-have-it-together blogger.

After a 40-hour week of rehearsals, I'm pooped. And I start another round on Monday followed by an overnight rehearsal next Friday from 11PM-7AM. Jealous? I didn't think so.

So, here's what I'm loving on this busy bee week in July.

1. The hubs and I finally visited a quaint installment here in touristy Orlando called Capone's. It's a delicious little dinner theatre filled with funny jokes and silly tales. If you can find a coupon, you'll get 30 bucks worth of entertainment and unlimited food. I call that: AMURRRICA! Also, the photo in the bottom lefthand corner demonstrates the short and tall of my marriage. ;) Hashtag: I'm a six foot tall giant hovering over my sweet husband.

2. Breakfast for dinner. Just do it already. Side note: Spinach in eggs? Required.

3. Know about Flat-Outs? They now have FOLD-outs! Perfect for a healthy sandwich! I used leftover marinara, grabbed some spinach and mozzarella, toasted it, put some watermelon on the side: bada bing! bada boom! Perfect lunch.

4. My new job is golden and hilarious and I'm working with GLORIOUS people. All I'm sayin' is, look for some clowns at the Magic Kingdom and I might know one of them! :)

5. My husband is amazing and perfect and gave me a beautiful gift for my birthday. "The Wild Africa Trek" at Disney's Animal Kingdom is an exclusive 3-hour, walking tour at the Animal Kingdom safari- meal and photographer included! How is it that I'm the luckiest wife in the whole wide world?

How was YOUR week?

1 comment:

  1. STOP IT! The two of you are so stinkin' cute! Sounds like a grand week amidst craziness.


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