Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sunday Social || Today's Forecast Is...

// When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up? //
I always wanted to be an actor/ singer. But, I was also laughably obsessed with all things weather. It didn't help that I was infatuated with the film, Twister. So, as far as I was concerned, I'd be the next acting, singing, dancing, tornado-chasing meteorologist out there.  I was pretty extreme, kids.

// What was your favorite way to kill time as a kid? //
In keeping with the aforementioned theme: Making videos of myself doing weather reports. Also, putting our cats in hampers. And I wondered why I wasn't one of the popular kids in school...

// When did you get your first cell phone? //
My junior year of high school circa 2003. A bright yellow and orange Nokia. Oh yeah. It was like the FUTURE.

// What is your favorite magazine to read? //
I don't even be readin' no magazines. Magazines make you hate your body and drool over recipes you could have found on Pinterest. Ok, that sounded utterly pretentious. I'm actually just stingy.

// What is the one random object people would be surprised to find in your purse? //
Well, I just bought a mini deodorizing foot spray this morning at Whole Foods. If that's not weird, I don't know what is.


  1. That was my first phone too! I used to love playing snake on it. As many apps and games as I currently have on my phone, I still think I would be just as happy is I only had snake.

    1. AHH! SNAKE! You are takin' me BACK! I totally forgot about that most righteous little game. Now I'm nostalgic for it. :)

    2. I spent so many afternoons playing that game while waiting for my mom to pick me up from school! =]

  2. Haha I SHOULD have that foot spray in my purse! So not weird.

    Love your blog! NEw follower here!

    Lesley /

    1. Hooray! I adore your blog! Happy Sunday, madame!

  3. I was really interested in the weather too!! Actually, to this day I still love disaster movies.

    My first phone was a Nokia too, LOL.

    1. I see the running trend here with Nokia. Ah, the first world pains of us now-twenty-somethings. :)

      Weather is the bee's knees! I'm so glad I am not alone in this. :)

  4. I would so love to have some mini foot deodorizer in my purse. :)

  5. GIRL, yes. I would get that foot spray too. Esp. for after the gym. I'm actually glad you posted this because I have to go to Earthfare tomorrow and they are basically the same as Whole Foods.

    PS- I was obsessed with Twister too. My mom and I used to watch it at least once a week. Remember the drive inn scene? Kept me up at night.

  6. not that i have stinky feet or anything errrr...but i should probs look into that spray ;)


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