Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Workouts of the Week

I am a firm believer in the idea that health should be free. This is not to say we shouldn't invest in it, nor that the gym-going, shake-drinking, Whole-Food-eating guru's of the world are wrong. Your health should be whatever you need and want it to be. Find what works for you!

After a whirlwind decade (and more) of crash diets, gym memberships and endless self-loathing, I've found a few things that work for me in the land of "Body Temple-tude." 

Confession: I adore workout videos. And by "adore," I mean, "prefer to treadmill monotony."

Truth be told, I will almost always rather be seated under a plush throw on a rainy day than perform burpees and planks. But, when I miss a good workout during the day, I do get really cranky with myself. I have traversed the vast scope of Youtube for quality free workouts and am constantly finding new ones. I thought, "Why hog this greatness?" So, let the Workout Wednesdays commence! Each week, I will share with you a roundup of my workouts for the week. Watch them. Do them. Share your sweat. Share your favorites with me! 

1. 30 Minute Fusion Workout: This was my first Kit Rich workout and she did not disappoint. Just when I think I've done every workout move there is, then she comes and adds a towel to the mix! Amazing.

2. 30 Minute Fat Burning Pilates: Popsugar Fitness is pretty darn magical. Another great one. Equipment Needed: 1-3lb Weights.

3. Total Body Cardio Dance Mix: Cardio to the max with Shelly Dose. I don't know anyone who is as excited about exercising as this lady. I look about as enthused as Eeyore compared to her.

4. Fit Versus Fat- 30 Min Cardio: I don't know Spanish but this Latin-inspired routine will take you back to the Jane Fonda days of cardio and make your thighs say, "WHY?!"

5. Grounding Into Gratitude Yoga: Cool off and align yourself with my absolute favorite Yoga gal, Adriene. And be prepared for some magical dog cameo's. :)

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