Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Our Apartment: Gallery Therapy

Saturday was a day off and thus a day for a little apartment updo action. Pinterest of course has had me swooning over all of the different ways to adorn your home in photos so I had to give this and this a go. 

This is how they looked on Pinterest:

And this is how they look in our little apartment!

I scored this shelf for just a few bucks at Salvation Army. Additionally, we have lots of pictures of ourselves because we apparently have no friends. This made a nice addition to our tiny hallway. 

Backstory on the above photos: Ever since Timothy and I started dating, I always give him a framed minimalist movie poster when any sort of holiday or birthday rolls around. It has become a bit of a tradition for us and now a nice way to personalize our space with a little gallery wall! If you don't know about the minimalist movie poster revolution, get in on this mess.

What pictures are you showcasing in your space?

Linking Up With:


  1. I tried to do a gallery wall. So far it's just a mirror hanging on a wall. Because that LOVELY fiancé of mine spends about 2 hours per item when he's hanging something. The engineer in him is a little OCD.

    1. Hahaha! Hilarious. I have far too many projects on the docket that probably won't happen for another year or so.

  2. love this. i really need to do a better job of making a gallery when we move into the new place, because right now we have like 3 photos.

    1. Yeah, I always try to take advantage of when Shutterfly does a free prints special or Walgreens will do their 2-day free whatever. I'm ridiculously stingy. Me? Spend money to print out all of our glorious memories? No. Heh heh.

  3. I like the shelf! The photos are super adorable! I've never heard of a minimalist movie poster.

    1. Thank ya! The minimalist posters were something I discovered back when I was a single girl with too much time on her hands. I think they're awesome.

  4. I'm loving this. The frames you chose are super cute and the pictures of you two are completely adorable! Everything I've seen of your apartment I adore, actually. :)

    1. Yay yay yay! I totally get most of my frames from the thrift store or the dollar store. Aren't you proud of me, Miss Frugality Gal? ;) Thank you so much! You know I heart your blog like whoa...


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